一中学子在美国 | 暑期美国名校科学教育研学活动系列(七)
洛杉矶时间7月24日上午10:30,我们来到了著名的环球影城。一进入园区,一个硕大的UNIVERSAL STUDIOS标识便映入眼帘。行走在影城,会看到各种经典影片与动画的主题餐厅,礼品店与游乐设施,哈利波特,侏罗纪公园,小黄人,辛普森一家,爱宠大机密等应有尽有。
我们先游览了Studio Tour项目。长达一小时的观光车游览,带我们环绕整个影城,直击电影制作的前线。许多经典电影的场景为我们再次还原,并且我们还亲眼看到了雨景,地震,洪水的制作过程。中途还有金刚,生死时速的4D特效观赏,让我们零距离体验到了环球影业精良的电影制作。
Today,the first day we have been in Los Angeles, we took a tour of the Universal Studios.
We first made our way to the Mummy roller coaster.After waiting for such a long time, we finally got our turn.So horrible was the trip that there were arms and bodies of mummies appearing in front us or above us all of a sudden.The roller coaster moved at a low speed at first.However, it speeded up suddenly ,which did give us a shock.No sooner had we calmed down than the roller coaster began to move backwards.How exciting it was! What’s more , we felt scared as if some worms were crawling below our feet.
Time seemed to pass so fast when we enjoyed ourselves. We were lucky to explore such a true-to-life roller coaster.
Have you ever experienced what Harry Potter did? We have!
The hot weather and the long waiting line couldn’t stop us getting into the Castle of Harry Potter. On the way to the roller coaster, a large quantity of props were placed on both sides of the road, which were just the same as those in the film.Meanwhile, screens of all types of shapes were showing the scenes of the film.However, it was the roller coaster that shocked us most.During the ride , we were put into the 3-D scenes of Harry Potter, laughing and shouting. Dinosaurs and spiders appeared to give us a fright. We were oblivious of ourselves. We felt like being one of the wizards and flying over every part of the magical land just on a broom. After the 5-minute ride, we got off the train,excited and satisfied.
May we come here again some day!